In the last 16 years or so, wrestling with the meaning, importance, and "how to" of "being the church" has been one of the most significant journeys in my life. It's also an area I've recently experienced some of the greatest growth and freedom in, making it a natural topic to start my first post with.
I've gone from leading worship and youth group, to not wanting anything to do with institutional church, to reluctantly attending, and, most recently, to joyfully participating. I know I'm not the only one from my generation to experience frustrations and confusions with this mystery we call "church", so I hope some of my personal experiences and revelations will resonate and encourage you in your journey, wherever you are along the way!
As a close friend to several pastor's kids and as a pastor's kid myself (in addition to my own gluttony for punishment), I've had the opportunity(?) to be part of five different church plants in the last 16 years. During that time I've experienced the rewards of growth, the monotony of packing and unloading equipment and chairs every Sunday, the disappointment of seeing personal interests prevail over the influence of the Holy Spirit, the frustrations of low attendance, and the pressure of needing to appear "on" every Sunday, even when my heart wasn't in it.
I've experienced God in powerful ways on Sunday mornings, been encouraged by amazing words of truth, and enjoyed significant prayer and fellowship with friends (not to mention fantastic potlucks and church picnics). At the same time, I've been betrayed by imperfect pastors (go figure), disillusioned by church politics, and turned off by the rituals and religious nature of it all. At some point in my experiences with church, the later began to outweigh the former. I started to question the point of it all. I started asking if there was a better way. What did Jesus really want us to do? What did the author of Hebrews mean when he or she said not to "neglect our meeting together?" (Hebrews 10:25).
In order to find the answers to these questions, I regularly pestered God for direction and clarification, had discussions with friends that had similar questions, looked to the scriptures, and read books. I genuinely wanted to be true to what it meant to be the body of Christ but didn't know what that looked like anymore or how to get there. I knew I needed to gather with other believers, but I was confused and frustrated.
There had to be a particular leadership hierarchy, organizational style, location, vision statement, and meeting schedule that was the "God ordained way" to do church, and I was determined to find it! Maybe it was just to throw all the old notions of church out the window and turn to something completely "organic." Maybe it was to go to the other extreme and join the Roman Catholic Church, the oldest Christian institution in existence. In the next post I'll share the greatest revelation I received about it all and how that revelation led to new freedom as a member of the Body of Christ, as well as a number of other exciting discoveries!